Importance of SEO for Businesses 2020

SEO (search engine optimization) is no more an alien term. The question what SEO is has become obsolete since almost every individual who has a slight idea of online marketing now knows about the importance of SEO.

No business, in this digital modern, can thrive without having a robust online presence and SEO helps companies with that. Despite having the most expensive website out there, it will be of no use if there is no traffic. The best results can be obtained with the help of targeted traffic, and this is exactly what SEO is designed to do.

Simply put, SEO is essential for business. Have a look at some of the factors depicting its crucial significance for business entities:


If your business’s SEO game is strong, you are going to witness an increase in your business’s website traffic. The more traffic your business website has, the more beneficial it is for your company. It implies that more people are visiting your business’s website; thus, there are enhanced chances of sales accelerating. There are a few different forms of traffic, namely organic traffic, direct traffic and paid traffic (PPC), this article can help you to understand the differences between them. In the world of Search Engine Optimization, we believe that organic traffic is incredibly valuable for business.


Google Click Through Rates in 2017 by Ranking Position
Image courtesy of Ignite Visibility article on 2017 CTR study

The website on the first results gets a whopping 20.5% of CTR on average! Effective SEO techniques are inevitably going to boost the ranking of your business’s website. As a result, it will be featured among the top results of a search engine. This will lead to enhanced traffic on your site, bring in visitor with purchase intent. SEO experts use a blend of SEO techniques and tips such as the use of right keyword at the right place in the content etc. These techniques ensure the ranking is boosted and the results are beneficial for the company.

Credibility & Trust

Online presence of a business is the first thing that a customer notices before trying a particular brand or company for the first time. Hence, having a strong online presence gives your business credibility. If the website of your business is listed among the top results of the search engine, the customer will show trust on your brand, and the result will be enhanced chances of sales and good WOM.

It is a Cost-Effective and Long-Term Option

The typical online advertisement plan consists of buying ad space on different high-traffic websites. A huge price tag is associated with the method that can burn a hole in your pockets. The more traffic a site enjoys, the higher you will have to pay for buying ad space in it. On the other hand, SEO can be termed as a cost-effective option. With applying effective SEO techniques, you will be able to have increased traffic on your website without resorting to the methods such as buying ad space, etc. Thus, SEO can help you even if you are tight on budget. According to New Media Campaign, organic results (SEO) are 8.5x more likely to be clicked on than paid search results (PPC)! 

Final Thoughts

All these factors depict the critical element what SEO is for a business’s online presence and overall profitability. A point you need to note here is that beneficial results can only be achieved if you are relying on the right person to do SEO for your business’s website. Therefore, make sure experienced, and expert professionals are at the helm of doing SEO for your business’s website.

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